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AIAPS, NFPE and FNPO all are joining together with 2019 JANUARY 8th & 9th NATION WIDE TWO DAYS STRIKE! MAKE IT A GRAND SUCCESS!!!

All India Association of Postal Supervisors - association also shall participate in the two days national wide strike on 08th and 9th January 2019 along with NFPE, FNPO, GDS associations with  Separate charter of 23 demands like 

1. scrap New Pension Scheme to restore old pension scheme, 
2. immediately stop dividing postal department 5 corporate sectors vide TSR Subrmanian committee report, 
3. Pay upgradation and rationalised promotional avenues to Postmasters, 
4. Ensuring Group C CR promotional avenues to Supervisors w.e.f, 27.5.16,
5. Five days work in a week etc.,

All Important Key post offices also will be kept closed since AIAPS also participating in the upcoming strike.

This strike is to save our department, save our government employment and to uphold our job profile. 

So all circle secretaries and office bearers are requested to intensify the strike campaign to make this 2 days strike grand success.


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