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Option for Pay Fixation

Respected SAPOST viewers,

            This article is regarding the option to be exercised consequent on the implementation of 7th CPC from 01.01.2016.

            As per CCS (RP) Rules 2016, the following options are available.

1. An official can opt to switch over to the new pay w.e.f. 01.01.2016.

2.      An official can opt to remain in the pre revised pay upto the date of next increment or subsequent increments and switch over to new pay w.e.f. the date of next or subsequent increment. i.e. 01.07.2016, or subsequent increments i.e. 01.07.2017, 01.07.2018 etc.

3.      An official can opt to remain in the pre revised pay and switch over to new pay from the date of his promotion/MACPs.

There is a huge confusion in the cases cited 3 above. Especially in the case of those officials in the PA cadre and are due for MACP II in the year 2016.

It is important that the option 3 above is applicable to those officials who got their promotions between 1.1.2016 and the date of notification i.e. 25.7.2016. For those who got their promotions after 25.7.2016, they cannot exercise option to continue in the pre revised pay upto their date of promotion and then switching over to new pay.  They can continue in the pre revised pay up to the subsequent increments i.e. 1.7.17, 1.7.18 etc only. This makes the difference.

For example, an official who got promotion under MACPS on 1.3.2016, the official has the following 3 options.

a.      He can switch over to new pay w.e.f. 1.1.2016 and his pay on promotion on 1.3.2016 will be fixed as per CCS (RP) Rules 2016 with DNI 1.1.2017, since he completes 6 months’s period only on 1.1.2017.

b.    He can continue in the pre revised pay upto 28.2.2016 and after getting his pay fixed on 1.3.2016 for his promotion as per CCS (RP) Rules 2008 (6th CPC) and then switch over to new pay w.e.f. 1.3.2016. In this case also the DNI will be on 1.1.2017. No increment on 1.7.16 as he has not completed 6 months service.

c.   He can continue in the pre revised pay upto his DNI i.e.1.7.2016. The official will be governed by CCS (RP) Rules 2008 upto 1.7.16. In this case from 1.3.2016 to 30.6.2016 he will be paid the difference in grade pay for his promotion. On his DNI, he will be given two increments, one regular and another one for promotion and also the higher grade pay. Then his pay will be fixed in the revised pay w.e.f. 1.7.2016 with DNI 1.1.2017, as he has completed 6 months’ service after promotion on 1.1.2017. This option will be most beneficial to the official. 

On the other hand, consider an official, who got promotion under MACPS on 1.8.2016, the official has the following options.

a.      He can switch over to new pay w.e.f. 1.1.2016, he will be given increment in the new pay on 1.7.16 and his pay on promotion on 1.8.2016 will be fixed as per CCS (RP) Rules 2016 with DNI 1.7.2017, since he completes 6 months’s period only on 1.7.2017 and not on 1.1.2017.

b.   He can continue in the pre revised pay upto 30.6.2016 and after getting his regular increment on 1.7.2016, he can switch over to new pay w.e.f. 1.7.16. In this case his pay on promotion on 1.8.16 will be fixed as per CCS (RP) Rules 2016. He cannot continue the pre revised pay upto 31.7.2016 and switch over to revised pay on 1.8.2016.

c.    He can continue in the pre revised pay upto 30.6.2017. In this case, he will be given the periodical increment on 1.7.2016. On his promotion on 1.8.2016 his pay on promotion will be fixed as per RP rules 2008 (6th CPC) and he will draw his next increment on 1.7.2017 after his promotion. On 1.7.2017, he can switch over to new pay with DNI 1.7.2018. The DNI is not 1.1.2018 but 1.7.2018 since the first increment for the new entrants and also the first increment after promotion will be provided after 6 months’ of service. In the instant case, the official was given the fixation on 1.8.2016 and has got his first increment on 1.7.17. Also this official switches over to the new pay only on 1.7.2017. He is not a new entrant or completed 6 months of service after promotion as on 1.1.2018.

d.    He can continue in the pre revised pay upto 30.6.2017.Also the official opts for his fixation on promotion on his DNI. 1.7.17. In this case, the official will be paid the difference of grade pay from 1.8.16 to 30.6.17. On 1.7.17, the official will be given 2 increments, one regular and another one for promotion and also the higher grade pay. Then his pay will be fixed in the revised pay (7th CPC). In this case, the official will get his next increment on 1.1.2018 since he has completed 6 months service after his fixation.

The recent orders No 4-13/17-IC/E-III A dated 12.12.2018 of Ministry of Finance gives one more chance to change the option. It is very important that this chance can be utilized to change the options which are available as mentioned in (1) to (3) only and nothing more.

In my opinion, those officials who got their promotion after 25.7.2016 and before 1.1.2017 can opt to continue in the old pay up to their subsequent increment 1.7.2017 and also to exercise option for fixation on promotion with effect from their DNI after promotion i.e 1.7.17 which would be most beneficial. In this case, there will be no arrears for the period from 1.1.2016 to 30.6.2017 in the 7th CPC scales. .

A special case.

If an official gets MACPS on 1.3.2016, he can exercise option to continue in the pre revised pay upto 30.6.2016 and to switch over to new pay on 1.7.2016 after getting his fixation for MACP in the pre revised scale. If this official gets another promotion, say IPO on 1.5.2016, then the official can exercise option to continue in the pre revised pay upto 30.6.2016 and to switch over to new pay after getting his fixation benefit for his IPO promotion. In this case, the option exercised for his earlier promotion i.e. MACPS stands cancelled and the pay for MACPS will be fixed on 1.3.2016 itself as per pre revised pay and the option for switching over to new pay will be allowed only for one scale i.e. IPO scale, since the official can opt to retain only one scale of pay in the pre revised scales.

I will provide some examples in my next article. Thank you viewers.

Article by:
Sri. R.Hariharakrishnan
Manager, Postal Stores Depot,
Tirunelveli 6270002.


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