Meeting with Heads of CPPCs and Banks to review the 7th CPC pension revision
CPAO/IT &Tech/Master data/14 (Vol-III)2017-18/183
Subject: Meeting with all Heads of CPPCs/Government Business Divisions to review the implementation of 7th CPC pension revision.
It has been decided to hold a meeting with art Heads of CPPCs/Heads of Govt. Business Divisions of the Authorised Banks for pensions under the Chairmanship of Chief controller (Pension) on 30th January, 2018 at 3.00 PM at Conference Hall of central Pension Accounting Office, Trikoot-II, Bhikaji cama place, New Delhi – 110 066 to review the status of implementation of 7th cpc pension revision in the light of DP&PW OM No. 38/37/2016-P&PW [A) dated 12th May, 2017.
Agenda items of the meeting are as follows:
1. Monitoring of implementation of 7th CPC by Banks.
2. Reporting of revised cases to CPAO by Banks.
3. Master Data Reconciliation.
4. IT related issues w.r.t. e-Revision of pension and fresh pension.
5. Compliance of Internal Audit observations on 7th CPC revisions.
6. Timely commencement of family Pension.
7. Timely commencement of Additional Pension.
8. Timely restoration of commuted portion of pension.
9. Timely submission of life certificates.
10. Any other point with the permission of the chair.
2. Reporting of revised cases to CPAO by Banks.
3. Master Data Reconciliation.
4. IT related issues w.r.t. e-Revision of pension and fresh pension.
5. Compliance of Internal Audit observations on 7th CPC revisions.
6. Timely commencement of family Pension.
7. Timely commencement of Additional Pension.
8. Timely restoration of commuted portion of pension.
9. Timely submission of life certificates.
10. Any other point with the permission of the chair.
All the Authorised Banks are requested to make it convenient to depute their sufficiently senior representatives (A.G.M. and above) to attend the meeting. A line in confirmation may be intimated on e-mail or through Fax No. 26715108/ 26162326 (Kind Attn: Shri Vijay Singh,Consultant).
(Md.Shahid Kamal Ansari)
(Assistant Controller of Accounts)
(Md.Shahid Kamal Ansari)
(Assistant Controller of Accounts)
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