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Admissibility of HRA during Study Leave

Admissibility of HRA during Study Leave

Admissibility of HRA during Study Leave – Railway Board Orders

New Delhi, dated 05.12.2017
The General Manager(P),
Eastern Railway,

Sub.:- Admissibility of House Rent Allowance during Study Leave. 
Ref:- Eastern Railway’s letter No.E.77/o/Vol.VIII, dated 06.03.2011.

With reference to Eastern Railway’s letter under reference, it is stated that the matter has seen considered in Board’s office and it has been observed that on the identical issue a clarification already stands issued to Southern Railway vide Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-2002/HRA-2 dt. 19.02.2002 (copy enclosed) clarifying that the period of 120 days mentioned in Board’s letter no.E(P&A)II-82/HRA-2 dated 04.02.1982 had been revised to 180 days in terms of the amendment carried out to Rule 1707 of IREC-II vide Board’s letter no.E(P&A)/89/HRA-48 dt. 07.08.1992. It was further stated the letter dt. 19.02.2002 that the employees proceeding on study leave are entitled to House Rent Allowance and Compensatory (City) Allowance for first 180 days of the study leave and continuation of these allowances beyond 180 days is stabject to the production of certificates prescribed in Para 1707(iii) of indian Railway Establishment Code, Volume-Il, 1987 Edition. It may however, be noted that CCA has already been abolished vide Board’s letter no. E(P&A)II-2008/HRA-10 dt. 12.09.2008 (RBE No.110/2008).

2. Thus, necessary action on the above lines may be ensured.

DA: As above.

(Salim Md. Ahmed)
Deputy Director/E(P&A)II,
Railway Board


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