Ref.: AIAPS/ GS / 7th CPC
/ 15-16 Dated at :New Delhi, 07 DEC 2015
The Secretary, Department of Posts DakBhawan
New Delhi-1100001
Sub : Memorandum for Postmasters / LSG-HSG Supervisors pay upgradation in 7th CPC.
************************************************************************************************* Res Madam,
With reference to 7th CPC report, this is to bring to your kind notice that 7th CPC has ignored completely the newly createdPostmaster Cadre and LSG/HSG supervisory structure in operative side. It is to intimate that IPO and LSG cadre official were in thesame pay structure during the 4th CPC. Though the recruitment procedure changed to one cadre the duties and responsibilities ofPostmaster/Supervisor have enormously increased with introduction of computerisation in the post offices. It is felt by the cadre thatneither department, nor CPC has taken any consideration for the changes being made in the department.
Though the department has agreed for cadre restructuring after the 6th CPC, the recommendations agreed andapproved by unions/associations have remained in liquid state till date and no action has been initiated in this direction before7th CPC, neither the department, nor 7th CPC has recommended any revision of pay structure for Postmaster Cadre/LSG-HSG Supervisors.
The 7th CPC has recommended 5400 grade pay to Group Bcadre and forgot to note that the Sr. Postmaster also belongsto Group B and his/her grade pay also must be fixed at 5400instead of 4800.
In a broad sense, the officials wait for the CPCs to project their issues to Government through departments to improvetheir pay structures/promotions with respect to the change of work brought in the departments during the previous CPC to presentCPC. Though the Department of posts has increased and introduced many products and changed the savings bank structure forlast 20 years, no improvement has been brought in the promotion and pay structure in the operative side. The operative staff have feltthat some changes would definitely come in the post offices with the introduction of Postmaster Cadre in their promotions and paystructure. The Postmaster Cadre has definitely improved and uplifted the post offices when compared before the introduction of thecadre and failed to gain anything to project their achievements due to lack of interest in the cadre in the existing unions.
This association feels that this is the only department where there is no differentiation has been made between the previouscadre to promotion cadre in the pay structure but increases the responsibilities enormously for the officials and, hence, lot ofpromotions have been denied by the officials and posts remained vacant for years and officials are not willing to take-up the promotionposition due to lack of charm in occupying the promoted post.
This association salutes to the person who has thought of introducing the Postmaster Cadre to fill up atleast 1/3rd ofPostmaster posts through direct examination to improve the post offices and promotion avenues to Postal Assistants. It isrequested to continue the same spirit and grow up the brain child, postmaster cadre of department and request the following gradepay structure to postmasters/supervisors to uplift the morality in the officials:
Cadre | Grade Pay | Remarks |
Sr Postmaster | 5400 | As Recommended by 7th CPC for Group B |
Postmaster Gr II I/ HSG I | 4800 | |
Postmaster Gr II / HSG II | 4600 | |
Postmaster Gr I / LSG | 4200 |
And, With reference to the 7th CPC report, this Association will like to bring your kind notice regarding major discrepancies wasfound in the report.
The 7th Pay Commission Report contains Errors, Mistakes and suppression of Facts especially for the Postmaster Cadre.
The Following are noticed in the Para 11.8.16
1. There is NO LDCE for Postmaster Grade II
2. There is NO LDCE for Postmaster Grade III
3. The column Method of Filling Contains errors ie Referred as POSTMAN instead of Postmaster.
4. The Pay Commission has concluded that after 6 years of Service in PM Grade I the Promotion to Grade II will be automaticallyprovided for participation in the LDCE for Sr. Postmaster.
5. when an inspector Post can jump from 4600/- grade pay to 5400/- grade pay after 6 years , how come a Postmaster Cadre Officialcan jump from Grade II ie 4200/- to 5400/- and it is not fully justified
Suppression of Facts
Para 11.8.17
“There are demands that officers of this cadre should be permitted for Sr. PM Examinations..” if its so..
What about the other demands of this cadre..???? and why the other demands was suppressed in the Report.
Para 11.8.18
The Pay commission has significantly accepted the merits of this cadre and admitted that this cadre has been given distinctemphasis. It also justifies the demands of this cadre.
The officials who are going to get II MACP after 2016 has to undergo severe financial loss.
The Pay Matrix provided by the Commission does not take up the difference in grade pay for MACP II while promotion from2800/- to 4200/-.
The officials have to lose nearly 2500/- in their basic pay. The following example willillustrate the fact..
Fixation in 7th PC | ||
as on 1.01.2016 16750 | x 2.57 | 44100 |
after 1st increment | 45400 | |
MACP fixation | ||
1 increment only | 46800 | |
corresponding fixation to | next level | 47600.00 |
Fixation of Pay After MACP II on July 2016 19180 x2.57 - 49292.60 rounded to 49293/-corresponding Pay in Level 6 50500/- Loss in Basic 50500 - 47600 = 2900/-
Hence officials will opt Pay fixation after obtaining MACP II and have to forego from 01.01.2016.
Again,with reference to cited 7th CPC report, we will like to bring your kind notice regarding some of major discrimination was found in7th CPC report. We are looking forward to you to represent all these demands cum requests towards 7th CPC,as mentioned below.
7thCPC Recommendation | Suggestion/Demand by AIAPS (GL) |
Commission has included PostalAssistant (PA) in existinghierarchy of Postmaster Cadre as per para no. 11.08.16. | Which is totally erroneous as hierarchy of PostalAssistant is already mentioned in para no.11.08.22. |
Commission has mentioned themethod of filling of PostmasterGrade II & III by LDCE (LimitedDepartmental CompetitiveExam). | While as per recruitment rules method of filling isas under. Senior Postmaster-25 percent from Postmaster Gr.IIIwith 2 years’ experience by DPC.75 percent LDCE from IPOswith 6 years’ experience. Post Master Gr.III-100% Promotion through DPC Post Master Gr.II-100% Promotion through DPC Post Master Gr.I-LDCE from PAs with 5 years’experience. |
Commission recommends | It is injustice for Postmaster Grade II & III that they |
permission to Postmaster Grade | have to compete with Inspector of Posts for Sr. |
II & III to appear for LDCE along | Postmaster (Group B) Cadre, but for filling of 75 |
with Inspector (Posts) for the | percent posts of Superintendent (Posts) Postmaster |
balance 75 percent of the Senior | Gr.II & III cannot appear LDCE along with Inspector |
Postmasters’ posts. | (Posts). |
It is requested either give permission to | |
Postmaster Gr II & III to appear in LDCE for the | |
post of superintendent (post) or remove | |
Inspector (Posts) at the time of filling of 75 | |
percent posts of Sr. Postmaster by LDCE. |
7thCPC Recommendation | Suggestion/Demand by AIAPS (GL) |
Commission has upgraded the | It is demanded that the grade pay of Sr. Postmas- |
post of Superintendent from GP | ter must be upgraded to 5400 instead of 4800. Si- |
4800 to GP 5400 as per para | multaneously grade pay of Postmaster Gr.III up- |
no.11.8.21 while its parallel post of | graded to 4800 instead of 4600, grade pay of Post- |
Sr. Postmaster remains same. | master Gr.II upgrade to 4600 instead of 4200 & |
grade pay of Postmaster Gr.I upgraded to 4200 | |
instead of 2800. | |
As per para no. 11.8.19 of 7th CPC | It is truly requested to give permission to |
report the post of Inspector of | Postmaster Gr.I to appear in LDCE for the post of |
Posts are filled by LDCE from | Inspector (Posts) or upgrade the Grade Pay of |
Postal Assistant (5 years of | Postmaster Gr.I to 4600 similar with Inspector |
qualifying service as per | (Posts) as per 7th CPC. |
recruitment rules. While the | |
Postmaster Gr.I & II the higher | |
posts of postal assistant could not | |
appear in LDCE for the post of | |
Inspector (Posts). |

General Secretary
The Secretary, Department of Posts DakBhawan
New Delhi-1100001
Sub : Logical and scientifical demands of A.I.A.P.S(GL) for LSG-HSG and Post Master cadre regarding recomondations of 7thCPC.
****************************************************************************** Res Madam,
With reference to 7th CPC report, this Association has to submit to your kind notice some of the logical and scientificaldemands for LSG-HSG and Post Master cadre:-
1. We already demanded Rs26000 minimum pay as per akroyd formula and it was rejected by the7th CPC. As a result the 6th CPC pay itself is higher than 7th CPC recommended pay after due deductions. SoMinimum pay should be fixed atleast Rs 21000/- To derive that from the pay Rs7000/- to 21000 fitmentformula need to be changed 3. Every employee should be allowed to multiply with the fitment formula 3.
2. Vide para 11.22.42 of 7th CPC, CISF, SSB, CRPF, CPMF cadres are working on Saturdays and Sundaysthroughout the year either by compensated with 2 months extra pay or by 60 days extra EL per year plus 7 days extra CL. But ourpostal operative officials are working on Saturdays throughout the year without any compensation. It is not at all reflected in anyPara of the 7th CPC report and it may kindly be stressed hard while demand extra pay than any other cadres. When other cadres arecompensated for working weekends, we are working 52 extra days per year without any compensation.
3. Postmaster /LSG cadres are one among the severely victimized cadre by the recommendations of7th CPC. But no other recognized unions have objected the same till now and didn’t raise their voice for PM/LSG cadres. Till 4th CPCIP/LSG officials were at same pay scale, LSG/ PM cadre exam syllabus also almost same but partiality is being maintained till nowfrom 5th CPC. LSG/PM cadre officials are also acting as disciplinary/ sub appointing authorities like IP cadre in many offices. Weare working 52 days extra per year than IP too. By mentioning above and by
merging Postmaster Grade I/II and LSG/HSG II, G.P Rs4600/-may kindly be fixed for LSG/PM Grade officials.
4. As like yearly 3% increment, for promotion also just 3% increment was fixed. As a result noone shall opt promotion here after; entire machinery of Government sector shall be paralyzed. Simplyyoung talents shall remain silent without indenting for promotion by getting yearly increments resulting huge loss for the department. To differentiate from the yearly increment, for promotions 2 increments or minimumRs5000 hike may kindly be given and be placed with next level of Pay matrix.
5. 7th CPC allowed postmaster cadre officials to participate in the 75% of LDCE Sr.PM posts along withIP cadre. But to maintain the operative/ administrative hierarchy, all the operative Sr.PM posts shall begiven to Postmaster/LSG cadre. As like PS Group B exam 5 yrs LSG/PM cadre officials should be allowedto appear Sr.PM exams. Operative staffs may kindly be dealt with operative cadre and administrative staffsmay kindly be dealt with administrative cadre.
6. Due to higher responsibilities and duties ofsupervisory cadre, than operative cadre, supervisors MACPI/II/III should be upgraded in 8/16/24 years of service respectively.
7. Because of the risks with New Pension Scheme only, it is not extended to Defense soldiersand MP/MLAs. So other government employees are also not ready to take those risks. So New pension schemeshould be abolished and old statutory pension scheme should again be extended to all.
8. 7th CPC doesn’t say anything about financial/supervisory powers of LSG/PM cadres. So financialpowers upto Rs1000 may kindly be fixed. Sub appointing and disciplinary authority powers may kindly berestored with all LSG units and Postmaster cadre offices.
9. For Health group insurance, premium amount may kindly be fixed at par with reputed healthinsurance provider-premium amount for cash less treatment to the CG employees and their dependents.

General Secretary
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