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D.G. Posts No. 06-12/2010-SPB.II dated 30 th November,2011.
I am directed to refer to Directorate's letter of evennumber dated 7.3.2011 in which it was clarified that the existing Recruitment Rules for the post of LSG(A/cs) in POs and RMS offices provide that such PAs/SAs in POs/RMS Offices who have put in 10 years regular service in the grade and have passed the Pos and RMS Accountants Examination are eligible for promotion to the post of LSG (A/cs) and therefore, the LSG (A/cs) posts should be filled up on the basis of their seniority in the feeder grade i.e. PA/SA cadre, subject to the fulfillment of educational qualification etc., prescribed ,if any, in the Recruitment Rules, irrespective of the date/year when the prescribed qualification wasacquired in the past.
2. References have been received from some Circles seeking clarifications as to whether such officials with PO & RMS Account's qualification who had given option for General Line at the time of grant of financial upgradation under TBOP and BCR schemes can be considered for grant of promotion in LSG (A/cs).
3. In this connection attention is invited to Directorate's letter 22-6/2000-PE.I dated 17.5.2000 wherein it has already been clarified that TBOP/BCR schemes are not promotions against the norms based posts in LSG &HSG.II grades but only placement in the higher scale of pay on completion of 16 and 26 years of service respectively and that such officials who havebeen granted benefit underTBOP and BCR schemes are to be considered against norms based posts as per their seniority and fitness in their turn.

4. Subsequently , the clarification referred to above had been reiterated vide Directorate letter No. 137-18/2001-SPB.II dated 23.4.2001 making it clear that TBOP and BCR schemesaim at upgradation of pay for the employees who were otherwise facing problems of stagnation in their career progression. Itwas further clarified that financial upgradation under TBOP/BCR schemes and promotion to LSG/HSG.II as per provisions of Recruitment Rules are two distinct matters.

5. Rule 276 of Postal ManualVol. IV prescribes procedures for appointmentto the posts of Accountant/Asstt. Accountant which is a allowanced post. According to it, Postal/Sorting Assistants who qualify the PO & RMS Accountant's examination are assigned the duties of PO/RMS Accountant. As clarified videDirectorate's letter No.93-13/99-SPB.II dated 23.12.1999, the PO & RMS Accountants are borne on the gradation list of PA/SA Cadre.

6. As per the existing Recruitment Rules for LSG posts in General line in PO& RMS Offices, PAs/SAs, irrespective of the fact whether they possess PO &RMS Account's qualification or not, are eligible to be considered for promotion. As such, option from PAs/SAs with Accounts qualification will have to becalled for at the same time of consideration of their namesfor promotion to tLSG(General line) or LSG(A/cs) line as the case may , notwithstanding the fact whether they are in receipt of financial upgradation under TBOP/BCR/MACP Schemes or not.

7. In view of the above position, the option exercised by the officials earlier at the time of grantof TBOP scale will not bar them from being consideredfor regular promotion in LSG(A/cs) as these officials are still borne in PA/SA cadre and there is no change in their seniority in PA/SA cadre even after acquiring PO & RMS Accountant qualification and/or if they have been granted financial upgradation under TBOP/BCR scheme. There willbe no change in their seniority in PA/SA cadre even if they are working asAccountant in PO & RMS Offices. Therefore, PAs/SAs who have qualified the PO &RMS Accountant's examination or working as Accountant even after grant of financial upgradation under TBOP/BCR scheme shall be considered for promotion against norms based LSG (A/cs) posts if they full fill the criteria laid down in existing Recruitment Rules for the post of LSG (A/cs) ifthey so opt for it when their turn comes for promotion. Similarly, PAs/SAs who have qualified the PO & RMS Accountant's examination or are workingas Accountant and had given option for General line at the time of grant offinancial ungradation under TBOP and BCR schemes shallbe eligible for promotion toLSG(A/cs) if they opt for it.

8. Circles are requested to follow the above procedures while processingthe cases of promotion in LSG General and Accounts line.

(Alka Tewari)
Assistant Director General (SPN)

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