Dear Postmasters,
The Postal Directorate letter No 13/2/2014-SR dated 11th November, 2014 duly published in our Blog on 17/11/2014 is a giant leap forward towards our goal of being recognised as a new service association (All India Association of Postmaster Cadre).
The letter from Directorate removes all kinds of prejudices and doubts towards the formation of our association but strengthen the prospects of formation of the same. That our line of action is being already on the right track we need to fulfil the omissions as suggested by the Directorate to enable them to consider our proposal.
It’s an appeal to all concerned to take part in the process of obtaining recognition of Service Association as per the following suggested course of action and strictly adhering to the dates considering the reason to represent our matters before the 7th Central Pay Commission for which early recognition of All India Association of Postmaster Cadre is extremely essential.
1. Target date has been fixed as 15/12/2014 for collection of Consent Forms and Authorisation Forms in duplicate from the members in Postmaster, Gr-I, II & III available in the this website (Post of 7 Nov-2014).
2. In the circles where ad-hoc body is yet to form like J&K, HP, Uttarakhand, Hariyana, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Kerala, North East, Assam, Bihar etc., they are requested to form their ad-hoc body of All India Association of Postmaster Cadre by way of calling a general body meeting immediately as per their convenience. Our constitutional provision for circle branch is appended below for convenience in forming the body.
3. Each circle will report to the CHQ by email on every Saturday regarding the progress of Action Plan published on 10-9-2014 through eMail (Click Here).
With regards,
Truly yours,
All India Association of Postmaster Cadre
Relevant Part of our constitutional provisions:
43) NAME: The organization at Circle level shall be called the All India Association of Postmaster Cadre, Official Circle Branch.
44) HEAD QUARTERS: The Head Quarters of the Association shall be situated at the Head Quarters of the Circle or any place as may be chosen by the Circle Secretary.
45) STRUCTURE: The Association shall form a constitutional Branch of the Centre and shall be composed of the Divisional Branches duly recognized even members of the Divisional Branch shall be member of the Circle Association.
46) RECOGNITION: The Divisional Branches shall be recognized by the Circle Branch or expression agreement in writing to abide by the rules and regulations of the Association as embodied in the Constitution. Likewise Circle Branches shall be recognized by the C. H. Q.
47) MANAGEMENT: The management of the Circle Association shall vest in the following bodies.
a) The Circle Conference which shall meet once in two years.
b) The CWC which shall meet once in six months subject to availability of funds.
48) POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE CIRCLE CONFERENCE: The Circle Conference shall be the supreme deliberative and legislative body of the Circle Association. It shall have the following specific powers.
a) To elect i) a President ii) Three Vice Presidents, iii) Circle Secretary, iv) Four Asst. Circle Secretaries, v) Four organizing Secretaries, vi) a Treasurer , vii) an Asst. Treasurer ( Total strength 15(Fifteen only). The office bearers elected from the Regions will function as Regional Secretary of the respective Region.
b) To nominate an Auditor.
c) The decision of the Circle Conference can be revised, modified or rescinded by the succeeding circle conference.
NOTICE: The total strength of the office for the management of the Circle office bearers including Central Working Committee members shall not exceed the members fixed by the Department Of Posts from time to time.
49) DUTIES OF THE OFFICE BEARERS: The duties of the Office Bearers of the Central Association as specified in article (34) shall apply mutatis mutandis in the case of Office Bearers of the Circle Association.
50) POWERS OF THE CIRCLE WORKING COMMITTEE: The CWC will consist of Office Bearers, working committee members and Branch Secretaries. The CWC will control the affairs of the Circle Association in between the Circle Conferences. The CWC shall exercise all the powers of the circle conference except election of Office Bearer and adoption of Annual Report and Accounts provided that the Circle Association shall take no action contrary to or in consistent with the directive of the conference.
51) Deleted
52) VACANCIES IN ELECTED OFFICES: Same as article 37**.
53) Notice of meeting as specified in Para 38 with few corrections (1) 21 days for Circle Conference and 14 days for convening CWC and for emergent intimation, it may be 7 days.
54) NOTICE OF MEETING: The notice of the Divisional Conference shall be issued at least 10 days before the date of the conference and that of 7 days in the case of working Committee Meeting. For conducting Divisional Conference the Divisional Secretary shall given prior intimation to the Circle Secretary at least 15 days in advance. Recognition shall be given only in cases by the Circle Body. An emergent meeting shall be convened with 3 days general advance notice.
37) VACANCIES IN ELECTED OFFICES: If any of the elected office of the Central Head Quarters falls vacant due to death, non acceptance, resignation, retirement, expulsion or continued absence from the office without proper authority for a period of exceeding three months, the General Secretary will fill up the vacancies in consultation with the President and get it ratified in the next C.W.C.
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