Merger of DA, Interim Relief and Retirement Age to 62: Only today's date
is in hand after that all these hopes have died down. The schedule for
the Lok Sabha polls will be announced by the Election Commission on
today as media reported. The schedule will be announced at a press
conference by Chief Election Commissioner V.S. Sampath along with
Election Commissioners H.S. Brahma and S.N.A. Zaidi.
With the announcement of poll dates, the Model Code of Conduct for
governments and political parties will come into force with immediate
effect. The government will no longer be able to take or announce any
major decisions which will be considered as sops to woo voters. This
brings an end to all hopes of benefit to the government employees.
Earlier there were lot of expectations from the central government
employees that government will roll out sops. There were talks of DA
merger, interim relief and hiking of retirement age to 62. Even various
union leaders had expressed views that some of these may be implemented.
The employees especially at lower levels reeling under the impact of
rise in prices of essential commodities had considered these demands as
genuine and expected the government to do something. The only thing that
the government did was announcement of the seventh pay commission. And,
it is not only election gift this announcement also was in accordance
to 13th Finance Commission's recommendations [click here to view] and demands from various employee union/federation.
All hopes are now going in the goal of newly constituted 7th CPC and employees have to wait its Interim Report as Govt approved terms of 7th CPC
with condition to give interim reports if any. However the
recommendations of 7th CPC to be implement after Govt approval all these
exercise will take more time and expectation for merger of DA/DR from
7th CPC in view of coming pay revision is also an illogical fact. Then
what about Interim Relief? The word "Interim Relief" is not mentioned in
7th CPC terms of reference approved by Govt.
Now 7th CPC have to invite Organisation/Employee Union for
representation/discussion and merger of da and interim relief may be
approved in this way. Implementation of main recommendations of 7th CPC
is not expected before 2016. As per media hype the government has
given another election rarity as announcement of 10% DA hike. All
employees knows that this is only a procedure that will be automatically
done once in 6 months and is based on inflation data.
Meanwhile the confederation have issued a circular expressing the
dissatisfaction over the Cabinet approval of the Finance Ministry’s
proposal on terms of reference of the 7th CPC. Demonstrations are
planned on March 7th across the country and indefinite strike after
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