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Concession to SC/ST officers in PSBs, PFIs, PSICs, RBI, IRDA and PFRDA in 'promotion by selection' to posts - Clarification by DFS

"Concession to SC/ST officers in PSBs, PFIs, PSICs, RBI, IRDA and PFRDA in 'promotion by selection' to posts within the officers cadre up to Middle Management Grade Scale-III or Grade-C(lowest three rungs in officers' cadres)" - Clarification by DFS
File No. 1/03/2013-Welfare
Ministry of Finance
Department of Financial Service
Jeevan Deep Building,
Parliament Street, New Delhi.
Dated February 18, 2014.
Chief Executives of All Public Sector Banks, SBI subsidiaries, Public Financial Institutions, Public Sector Insurance Companies and Reserve Bank of India, Insurance Regulatory Development Authority, and Pension Fund Regulatory Development Authority.
Subject: Concession to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe officers in posts filled by promotion by selection
I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to say that consequent upon revision of pay scales of Central Govt. employees, Deptt. of Personnel & Training (DOP&T) vide its OM No. 36028/8/2009-Estt.(Res.) dated 7th June, 2013 (copy enclosed) has clarified that provisions of 'concessions to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in posts filled by promotion by Selection in posts falling under Group A(Class-I) would apply to posts within Group A carrying Grade Pay of Rs. 8700 or less. DOP&T has, further clarified that these provisions are applicable to Govt. servants paid from Civil Estimates.

2. The matter has been examined in this Department. As due to several obvious reasons, it is not possible to equate the pay scales of employees in Public Sector Banks(PSBs), Public Financial Institutions(PFIs), Public Sector Insurance Companies (PSICs), and Reserve Bank of India(RBI), Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA), and Pension Fund Regulatory Development Authority(PFRDA) with the pay scales of Central Govt. employees, it has been decided that concessions mentioned in DOP&T's OM No. 36028/8/2009-Estt.(Res.) dated 7th June, 2013 will be available to the SC/ST officers in PSBs, PFIs, PSICs, RBI, IRDA and PFRDA in 'promotion by selection' to posts within the officers cadre up to Middle Management Grade Scale-III or Grade-C(lowest three rungs in officers' cadres), whichever is applicable.
3. This Department may please be apprised of the compliance report in the matter. Yours faithfully,

(J.S. Phaugat) 
Under Secretary (Wel.)

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