The Schemes of the Government of India under which training is imparted to the women farmers to acquaint them with the knowledge required for adoption of agricultural technology including the use of farm equipments include:
1. Support to States Extension Programme for Extension Reforms: This Scheme is being implemented in 630 districts of 28 States and 3 UTs of the country. The latest agricultural technologies are imparted to farmers including women farmers through exposure visits, demonstration, Kisan Melas, mobilization of farmers groups and setting up of farm schools. 30% of beneficiaries the Scheme have to be women farmers. In order to ensure participation of women farmers as well as beneficiaries from north eastern and hilly states, the beneficiary contribution has been reduced from 10% to 5% for selected beneficiary oriented activities.
2. Under the Central Sector Schemes, Promotion and Strengthening of Agricultural Mechanization through Training, Testing and Demonstrations and Post Harvest Technology & Management, training is provided to the farmers including Women Farmers through State Government and Farm Machinery Training & Testing Institutes.
3. Cooperative Education & Training and Assistance to National Cooperative Development Corporation for Development of Cooperative Programme: National Cooperative Union of India is running four exclusive women’s development projects located at Shimoga (Karnataka), Berhampur (Orissa),Imphal (Manipur) and Bhopal (MP). Under these projects, women are organized into Self Help Groups to help them to develop thrift habits. Women are also provided training to equip them to undertake income-generating activities with the help of their own resources or by borrowing from cooperatives and also marketing the produce in local market and by organizing fair and exhibitions.
4. National Horticulture Mission: Women are organized into Self Help Groups and farm inputs and technological & extension supports are provided to make women self-reliant.
5. National Food Security Mission (NFSM): Under Crop Diversification programme farmer’s training is organized for all categories of farmers including women for adopting scientific crop production technologies. As per NFSM guidelines, at least 30% of the funds is to be earmarked for women beneficiaries/farmers.
6. Development and Strengthening of Infrastructure Facilities for Production and Distribution of Quality Seeds: The objective of the Scheme is to develop and strengthen the existing infrastructure for production and distribution of certified/quality seed to farmers including women farmers. Implementing Agencies/States have been requested to allocate sufficient funds and also ensure participation of women in Seed Village Programme. For effective transfer of seed technology, training programmes for the farmers including women farmers are organized on field to upgrade the quality of farmer saved seeds.
7. National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA): Women living in the watershed area are mobilized into Self Help Groups and Users Groups of Women. The Guidelines have been revised in favour of women so as to ensure all the perspectives and interests of women are adequately reflected in the watershed action.Plan.
8. Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs): of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) organizes training programmes for farmers and farm women on various aspects of agriculture including farm equipments/ implements/ tools and machinery. During the current year, 1917 such training programmes were conducted with the participation of 14298 women farmers.
9. The Ministry of Women & Child Development launched a Central Sector scheme named Support to Training & Employment Programme for Women (STEP) in the year 1986-87 with an objective of extending training for up-gradation of skills and sustainable employment for women through a variety of action oriented projects which employ women in large numbers. The scheme was revised in the year 2009-10 and covers 10 traditional sectors of employment besides the option of supporting the locally appropriate sectors. Agriculture is also a selected sector in this scheme.
10. The Department of Rural development is implementing a programme Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojna (MKSP), which was announced in the budget of 2010-11 as a sub - component of the National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) to meet the specific needs of women farmers and achieve socio-economic and technical empowerment of the rural women farmers, predominantly small and marginal farmers. The primary objective of the MKSP is to empower women in agriculture by making systematic investments to enhance their participation and productivity, as also create and sustain agriculture based livelihoods of rural women. Projects are conceived in such a manner that the skill base of the women in agriculture is enhanced to enable them to pursue their livelihoods on a sustainable basis. Under MKSP sustainable agriculture, 58 projects from 14 States have been sanctioned which will benefit 24.5 lakhs Mahila Kisans during the period.
This information was given today by Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries, Dr.Charan Das Mahant in a written reply to Lok Sabha questions.
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