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SNo Discovery / Invention Year Discoverer / Inventor Country
1 Adrenaline 1894 Schafer and Oliver Britain
2 Anesthesia, Local 1885 Koller Austria
3 Anesthesia, Spinal 1898 Bier Germany
4 Anti-toxins (Science of Immunity) 1890 Behring and Kitasato Germany, Japan
5 Aspirin 1889 Dreser Germany
6 Ayurveda 2000-1000 BC
7 Bacteria 1683 Leeuwenhock Netherlands
8 Bacteriology 1872 Ferdinand Cohn Germany
9 Biochemistry 1648 Jan Baptista Van Helmont Belgium
10 Blood Plasma storage (Blood bank) 1940 Drew U.S.A
11 Blood Transfusion 1625 Jean-Baptiste Denys France
12 Cardiac Pacemaker 1932 A.S Hyman U.S.A
13 CAT Scanner 1968 Godfrey Hounsfield Britain
14 Chemotherapy 1493-1541 Paracelsus Switzerland
15 Chloroform as anaesthetic 1847 James Simpson Britain
16 Chloromycetin 1947 Burkholder U.S.A
17 Cholera T.B germs 1877 Robert Koch Germany
18 Circulation of blood 1628 William Harvey Britain
19 Cryo-Surgery 1953 Henry Swan U.S.A
20 Diphtheria germs 1883-84 Klebs and Loffler Germany
21 Electro-Cardiograph 1903 Willem Einthoven Netherlands
22 Electro-encephalogram 1929 Hand Berger Germany
23 Embryology 1792-1896 Kari Ernest Van Baer Estonia
24 Endocrinology 1902 Bayliss and Starling Britain
25 First Test Tube Baby 1978 Steptoe and Edwards Britain
26 Gene Therapy on humans 1980 Martin Clive U.S.A
27 Genes associated with cancer 1982 Robert Weinberg and others U.S.A
28 Heart Transplant Surgery 1967 Christian Barnard S. Africa
29 Histology 1771-1802 Marie Bichat France
30 Hypodermic syringe 1853 Alexander wood Britain
31 Kidney Machine 1944 Kolf Netherlands
32 Leprosy Bacillus 1873 Hansen Norway
33 LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) 1943 Hoffman Switzerland
34 Malaria Germs 1880 Laveran France
35 Morphine 1805 Friderich Sertumer Germany
36 Neurology 1758-1828 Franz Joseph Gall Germany
37 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging 1971 Raymond Damadian U.S.A
38 Open Heart Surgery 1953 Walton Lillehel U.S.A
39 Oral Contraceptive Pills 1955 Gregory Pincus, Rock U.S.A
40 Penicillin 1928 Alexander Fleming Britain
41 Physiology 1757-66 Albrecht Von Haller Switzerland
42 Positron emission Tomography 1978 Louis Sokoloff U.S.A
43 Rabies Vaccine 1860 Louis Pasteur France
44 Recombinant-DNA technology 1972-73 Paul Berg, H.W. Boyer,S Cohen U.S.A
45 Reserpine 1949 Jal Vakil India
46 Rh-factor 1940 Karl Landsteiner U.S.A
47 Serology 1884-1915 Paul Ehrlich Germany
48 Sex hormones 1910 Eugen Steinach Australia
49 Small Pox eradicated 1980 W.H.O Declaration UN
50 Stethoscope 1819 Rene Laennec France
51 Streptomycin 1944 Selman Waksmann U.S.A
52 Synthetic Antigens 1917 Landsteiner U.S.A
53 Terramycin 1950 Finlay and Others U.S.A
54 Thyroxin 1919 Edward Calvin-Kendall U.S.A
55 Typhus Vaccine 1909 J. Nicolle France
56 Vaccination 1796 Edward Jenner Britain
57 Vaccine, Measles 1963 Enders U.S.A
58 Vaccine, Meningitis 1987 Gardon, et al. Connaught Lab U.S.A
59 Vaccine, Polio 1954 Jonas Salk U.S.A
60 Vaccine, Polio-orai 1960 Albert Sabin U.S.A
61 Vaccine, Rabies 1885 Louis Pasteur France
62 Vaccine, Smallpox 1776 Jenner Britain
63 Virology 1892 Ivanovski and Bajernick USSR, Netherlands
64 Vitamin A 1913 Mc Collum and M. Davis U.S.A
65 Vitamin B1 1936 Minot and Murphy U.S.A
66 Vitamin C 1919 Froelich Holst Norway
67 Vitamin D 1925 Mc Collum U.S.A
68 Vitamin K 1938 Doisy Dam U.S.A
69 Western Scientific Therapy 460-370 BC Hippocrates Greece
70 Yoga 200-100 BC Patanjali India

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