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Dopt Orders - Upper Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 201

Dopt Orders – Upper Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 201
Dopt Orders – Upper Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2011- Nomination of qualified candidates for appointment to Upper Division Grade in CSCS against the Select List 2011- reg.
No.12/3/2012-CS.II (B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 1st January, 2014
Subject: Upper Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2011- Nomination of qualified candidates for appointment to Upper Division Grade in CSCS against the Select List 2011-reg.
The undersigned is directed to say that according to Rule 11(1) of the Central Secretariat Clerical Service Rules, 1962, as amended by this Department’s Notification No.12/3/93-CS.II dated 22.11.1995, vacancies in the Upper Division Grade of the service in any cadre have to be filled by the regular appointments of persons included in the Select List for the Upper Division Grade in that cadre. The said Select List is to be prepared in accordance with the provision envisaged in Regulation 2 (1) of the Third Schedule to the said Rules. According to that Regulation as amended by this Department’s Notification No.7/31/73-CS.II dated 4.2.1976, 25% of the vacancies are to be filled up on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) and 75% on the basis of seniority in the Lower Division Grade.
2. On the basis of the UD Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the Select List year 2011, Staff Selection Commission has recommended 34 (26 UR, 6 SC and 2 ST) candidates for appointment as UDC in the Central Secretariat Clerical Service against the Select List year 2011.
3. It has been, therefore, decided to allocate 34 (thirty four) (includes 26 UR, 6 SC and 2 ST) qualified candidates to various Cadres of Central Secretariat Clerical Service as indicated in the Annexure to this Office Memorandum. The dossiers of the candidates as received from the SSC are sent herewith and these should be retained after their appointment as part of their personal files. It is requested that before these candidates are appointed, particulars of their service, caste etc., may please be checked from the Original entries in their Service Books. It may please be ensured that no Vigilance case is pending or being contemplated against them.
4. Since the qualified candidates whose names are given in the Annexure to this O.M. are eligible for Inclusion in the Select List year of 2011 of Upper Division Grade, it is requested that immediate action may please be taken to appoint them to the post of Upper Division Clerk in those cadres to which they have been allocated. It may please be ensured that the candidates nominated from the aforesaid examination are interpolated with persons included in the Select List through seniority quota in the ratio of 3:1(SQ: DE) as prescribed under the CSCS Rules, 1962.
5. Copies of appointment orders may please be endorsed to this Department and the SSC. If any candidate is not appointed to Upper Division Grade due to any reason his/her dossier may please be returned to the Staff Selection Commission directly under intimation to this Department after cancelling his/her offer of appointment and keeping all correspondences made with regard to his/her appointment including cancellation letter in the dossier.
6. In case any of the nominated candidates has been appointed as regular UDC in the CSCS on the basis of an earlier Limited Departmental Exam for the Grade, the Cadre authorities are requested to furnish their names immediately to this Department latest by 15.1.2014. Thereafter, the total number of these vacancies may be divided between seniority quota and Departmental Examination Quota in the prescribed ratio of 3:1. Reservation for SC/ST/PH category is to be made in accordance with the relevant Rules/instructions.
7. Staff Selection Commission has assigned Rank Numbers to qualified candidates of UD Grade LDCE, 2011 as SL/CSCS/001 to SL/CSCS/34. Accordingly, Cadres are requested to assign these numbers while preparing seniority list of UDC.
8. Receipt of this OM together with its enclosures may kindly be acknowledged.
(K.Suresh Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India

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