for post office information ,latest job,naukari and recruitment and notification, exam, gk, current affairs


1. A Candidate within the maximum age limit at the time of recruitment , but is over aged at the time of appointment
Cannot be appointed
Can be appointed in service
Can be appointed after getting sanction
None of these
2. Office establishment will not include
Non gazetted servants engaged for clerical duties
Group D servant employed in service
All the above
3. Mark correct option
No person who has been dismissed for misconduct from any post may be employed
The paper showing result of enquiry into the character and antecedents official should be kept with their character sheets/ CR as the case may be
In the ED agents enquiry papers may be kept with their security bond
All the above
4. Re-employment of persons who resigned, absconded or were dismissed should be made on special ground previous approval of the
Head of the circle
Min of IT
DG Post
5. Calculation the time spent on training for the purpose of confirmation leave other than casual leave must be
Cannot say
None of these
6. Every important event in the official career of a gezetted Govt servant affecting his pay and other conditions of service e.g appointment, promotion, leave, retirement, removal, dismissal etc. should be notified in the
DG Order
Gezette of India
None of these
7. Notification made by the government of India are published in _____ and those by the _________ and _______and administrative offices in _________ of Gazette India
Part I section 2, DG, Head of the circle, Part III section I
DG order, Head of the circle, DG, Part II
Notification, DG, Head of the circle, Part II,
None of these
8. Stamp vendors are in
Regular establishment
Temporary establishment
Paid staff
None of these
9. The gradation list prepared in once in a _______ year on _________ by ______ in the form______________
Two, 1st Jan, DG Post, APP 43
Three, 1st Jul, HOC, APP 43
Five, 1st Jul , HOC, APP 44
None of these
10. The time limit prescribed for representing against discrepancies in the gradation list
One month from the date of issue of the Gradation list
Three month from the date of issue of the Gradation list
One year from the date of issue of Gradation list
No time limit
11. Appointment authority should keep gradation list of
Officials , appointments to whose post, if vacant, are made by him
Officials under control who are ordinarily liable for transfer by him
Officials qualified for promotion to a higher grade, appointment to which are made by him
All the above
12. When there are two are or more officials of the same name in a particular cadre, they should be
Change their name
Promote to different cadre
Distinguished by serial number
None of these
13. No appeal against such alternative will lie to a higher authority unless it is submitted within the usual time limit of _______ from the date of communication
Three months
Six month
One year
One month
14. Where recruitment made partly form departmental candidates and partly form outsider, the departmental candidates should always ____from the outsider in orde
None of these
15. Where recruitment made partly form departmental candidates and partly form outsider, the departmental candidates should always ____from the outsider in orde
None of these
16. All transfers, changes of HQ and special duties of gezetted officers should be communicated to the
Director General
Audit office
Head of the circle
Both A&B
17. Transfer should generally be made in
May of each year
April of each year
Jan of each year
Mar of each year
18. An official should not be transferred from one unit to another, either within the same circle, or to another circle, unless he
Quasi permanent
None of these
19. Transfer of officials, who are not permanent in grade, may in deserving cases, be permitted with the personal approval of the
Head of the circle
DG Post
Min of IT
None of these
20. Charge report prepared in
ACG 67
ACG 63
ACG 61
ACG 40
21. An officer transferred may not, without urgent necessity or special orders of the Head of the circle, leave the station
Before the arrival of the permanent successor
After the arrival of the permanent successor
After completed his tenure
None of these
22. In the event of any disagreement between the relieved and the relieving officers, a reference should be made to the
Head of the Circle
DG Post
23. Reports of transfer of charge of gezetted officer including Head of the circle and P&T Accountant should be sent by post (not telegraph) to the
Next higher authority
Audit officer concerned
DG Post
All the above
24. In the case of officiating promotion to vacancies of less than one month duration, the officiating arrangement should confine to all official working
In the same office
In the same station
In the same division
No specific limit
25. The age limits for appointment to the post are to be followed
At tie time of recruitment
At the time of appointment
At the time of selection
None of these
26. A post office clerk transferred from one division to another division in the same circle
Will loss his seniority in the circle gradation list for promotion to LSG
Will not lose his seniority in the circle gradation list for promotion to LSG
Will have his seniority regulated both in the divisional and the circle gradation list
None of these
27. Application for leave must be submitted in form
APP 45
SR 5
SR 10
28. Casual leave need not be recorded in
Absentee statement
In service book
Service rolls
All the above
29. Transfer to sorters holing selection grade appointment will be reported to
Head of the Circle
DG Post
30. Postmaster of HO who are subordinate to the super indent, Inspectors and SP, Head clerk also report every transfer or assumption of chart to the
Group B Officer of division
Postmaster General
Head of the circle
None of these
31. An officer should not ordinarily be brought back the same division until
Ten year completion of tenure
Two year completion of tenure
The lapse of an interval equalant to the max period as fixed
No such limit
32. Preservation period of ED SPM leave form APP-45 is
Two years
Three years
One year
Six month
33. An application for leave must be submitted ordinarily
Fifteen days advance
One month advance
Two month advance
None of these
34. Generally Casual leave is limited to max of
10 days
5 days
8 days
12 days
35. The authority to competent to grant Casual Leave is
The head of the circle
The head of the division
The head of the office
Next higher officer
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